Welcome to the website of the Congregation of Jesus Mary Josep. I am Sr. Innamma Yeruva, the leader of this Congregation. This website is the testimonial of the unwavering faith of our Sisters in the infinite love of God and their audacity to translate the God-experience and their active compassion into understandable sign of God’s mercy and love today’s world. This website bears witness to the services provided by our sisters in various ministries, stirred, enthused and guided by the call of God. We hope that you will enjoy getting to know us by our website.

Consecrated life is an essential part of the Catholic Church and the Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph, which was re-founded on 10th September 2016. The Congregation responds to the clarion call for establishing the Kingdom of God, by faithful living of its dynamic, relevant and challenging Charism of ‘An Ever Adaptable Apostolic Availability’ with the constant nourishment from the Word of God and daily Eucharist. The charism of the Congregation drives us to respond to the newer and challenging ministries with courage and commitment.

The members of the Congregation live in a community sharing everything in common and making every possibility to be effective in the mission. We are presently working all over India, Ghana in West Africa, Rome and the United States and are gearing up for the relevant frontier and overseas ministries. We continue to interpret the signs of the time with a legacy and spirit of ‘never to be predicted, never to be comprehended and nowhere to be fixed will of God, always coming to us with new demands.’ We do that placing ourselves in the providence of God to be faithful to the call of compassion - with Lord of the World for the World of the Lord. You will see them as you make your way through this website.

‘May the LORD bless you and protect you.
May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the LORD show you His favour and give you His peace.’
- Numbers 6:24-26