Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph

Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph


Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph - Raipur Province

Family History

I was born and brought up in a very traditional Catholic family of deep faith in God in Kerala. My parents were very devout to the faith and regular for the Church. We are eleven siblings and I numbered third in my family. In the beginning I never had a thought to join to a religious convent. But when I was doing my high school study I read the book of St. Damien of Molokai.It touched my heart. So much so I started nurturing in me the desire to become a nurse to serve the sick and poor. I was very much moved by the total dedication of Fr. Damien who became a leper for Christ. He knew that he may get infected but he did not hesitate to become one of them, to live and die with them.”Virtually”got infected, too. Yet he never wavered in his commitment.

I have my elder sister who is nun in the same Congregation, and another sister a FCC nun. With the service mind for the poor and the neediest in my mind I realized my dream by joining in the Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph in the year 1960. I made my First Profession in the year 1965 and the Perpetual Profession in the year 1973.As a JMJ sister I was working under a Dutch missionary named Sr. Landlina in the hospital, I was moved by her commitment and love for the Society. Then I wanted to be a Nurse to serve humanity.

Desire to join in the religious life

But as the Congregation needed me to be an Administrator. I was sent to study Diploma in the Commercial Practice (DCP).In obedience I accepted the decision of the authority and started the work at Tenali in the degree college. I struggled a lot because I didn’t know the office work and the Language. But I trusted in the goodness and mercy of the Lord and succeeded in everything. It increased my faith in the unfailing providence of God that He is always there in my life. Now I have completed my Silver jubilee as well as Golden jubilee as a religious in the Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph.

God Experiencein My Life

I always find my strength in the words of the promise of God

“I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you, I will not leave you as orphans.”

Whenever, I was in trouble GOD saved me. My life experience enabled me to cling to God intimately and to grow in faith, hope and love.

For me “GOD is a loving and forgiving father who strengthens in her weaknesses and bears in His arms. He loves her better than she loves herself”.

My life as a religious was not all smooth and flowery. I had my ups and downs of life, dryness in my spiritual journey, at time that kept me feeble. Whenever I faced with difficulties and struggles I sat in front of the Blessed Sacrament, near to mother Mary and received strength and courage to handle the difficult situation in religious life.

Piece of Message

Nothing is impossible to those who ‘TRUST’ in the ‘LORD’.


To be prepared to go wherever we are sent and to do what is expected from us.
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