In his letter to the presidents of the Episcopal conferences and superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on 2nd February 2015, Pope Francis recommended taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure the protection of minors and vulnerable adults, and to respond to their needs with fairness and mercy.
The Vatican released Vademacum on certain points of procedures in treating cases of sexual abuse of minors and promulgated Vos Estis Lux Mundi (VELM) making it mandatory for the Church personnel and religious to report the abuse cases, and the major superiors and bishops to respond immediately.
The failure of reporting or responding is sanctioned with penalties according to ecclesiastical law. Any kind of negligence by the members in this regard is condemned by Pope Francis as ‘sin of omission’ and is considered as a sin no less than the violence of abusers.
The Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph ensures the safety of all minors and vulnerable persons by establishing Safeguarding guidelines that would be implemented in all its apostolic activities and within the communities.
Theme: Care & Dignity
Vision: To recognize the inherent dignity of the human person and to care for those in vulnerable situations.
Mission: To promote the culture of care and dignity in the Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph and those of our associates.
To promote the culture of care and dignity which is an integral part of the Gospel message.
To ensure a safe environment for all minors and vulnerable adults who engage with the Congregation.
To recognize the dignity of every human person and treat everyone with respect.
To understand the effect of abuse upon the victims and their families, and respond with compassion and justice.
To ensure zero tolerance to any form of abuse and abide by the norm of mandatory reporting.
To collaborate with the Church, the government, the networking agencies, and communities to prevent any kind of abuse to children and adults.
To ensure that all the members of the congregation are equipped with knowledge, skill and awareness to safeguard minors and vulnerable adults.
The letter C: The letter C stands for care.
The Caring hand: The caring hand reminds us of our commitment toward the children and persons in vulnerable situations.
The Letter: D represents inherent dignity.
Human character with raised hands: It represents a liberated human person created in the image and likeness of God. We recognise this inherent dignity of the person irrespective of their circumstances.
The letters JMJ: Represents all the members of the congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph and our associates.
The colours: Represent care, dignity and positivity.
Pink represents care.
Greyish blue represent dignity.
Orange represents positivity.