Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph

Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph


Prayer of Sister Mary Glowrey

Help me to die utterly to myself to empty myself

entirely of self and You Yourself come and take

entire possession of this unprepossessing shell,

that is me ⁃ so that by Your Grace,

while being tossed about in the Waves of life – this oyster may be

transformed by You and become a Pearl, that is – You are me

dear Jesus.


Prayer for the Cause of Dr. Sr. Mary Glowrey

Consecrated Woman, Missionary, Doctor of Medicine.

Heavenly Father,

In the person of Dr. Mary Glowrey,

we encounter a woman deeply surrendered to Your will,

and to the reality of Your love for her,

and for every human person Blessed by you with a brilliant mind,

yet profoundly aware,

that all she had was Your gift to her,

You led Mary to place herself completely at the service of human life through the practice of medicine.

You consecrated her to Yourself in religious life,

and through her years of medical service in India,

especially to women and to those most in need.

May we be led to encounter You in our own lives and,

like Mary Glowrey,

discover in this encounter the confidence and trust to surrender our lives completely into Your hands.

If it be Your will, may Dr Mary Glowrey’s life of holiness be acknowledged by the church,

so that through her,

we may continue to be led more deeply into the mystery of Your love made flesh in the person of Jesus.


Prayer to Sr. Mary Glowrey

Dear Sr. Mary, during your life on earth,

you as a missionary in South India were zealous in spreading God’s Kingdom.

You spent yourself to the utmost for suffering humanity,

by curing the sick and bringing consolation to the afflicted.

I come to you with great confidence to ask your intercession for this intention.

Ifit is God’s Holy will and may serve to give Him ever more honour and glory.

If it is not according to God’s Holy will,

obtain for uS the grace to submit as you did by bearing your sufferings heroically.

Dear Sr. Mary, pray for us to God and obtain for us your apostolic zeal to spread God’s Kingdom in self-forgetting charity.


Novena Prayer to Sr. Dr. Mary Glowrey, Servant of God

Merciful and loving Father,
You sent Your only Son,
Jesus Christ to heal and save the world.
In Your loving compassion,
You chose Sr. Dr. Mary Glowrey,
founder of the Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI), to follow in Your Son’s healing ministry.
As a model of benevolent care to the millions of sick destitute, and impoverished in India,
she spread Your message of love and healing.
May we, the beneficiaries of her service,
continue to spread the same love and healing to the people we now serve.
Lord, we pray for all health care workers and caregivers who tirelessly follow in the footsteps of the Divine Healer to alleviate suffering and bring glory to Your name. May we have the courage to walk the unbeaten path of Sr. Dr. Mary Glowrey as we continue Your healing ministry.
May the members of CHAI grow in unity, through our founder’s example of selfless love,
hard work and concern for the poor.
 Through the intercession of the Servant of God Sr. Dr. Mary Glowrey,
we ardently ask You to grant favors to those in need of Christ’s physical, mental, social and spiritual healing.
We pray with confidence that Sr. Dr. Mary Glowrey may soon be raised to sainthood and become the patron saint of CHA.
This prayer we make through Christ, Our Lord,
 – Amen
 Say 3 Hail Marys and 1 Glory be
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