Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph

Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph


The Perfume That Permeates in to This World

Family History & Education

Sr. Emmanuella is the youngest child in the Gopu family of5 children, four girls and one brother. Two of my sisters are married and settled in life. My eldest sister Regina Gopu joined the Society of JMJ after completing her study in midwifery nursing in St. Joseph’s Hospital. She was the inspiration for me to join the Society of JMJ. I had the great desire to join the convent from a very young age. Of course first I had to complete my 10th class studies only then I can become a sister. So I enrolled myself as an aspirant and then studied 10th class and intermediate. Again I was asked to do my degree in English literature privately as an aspirant. It was not easy for me to study privately yet I completed my studies with the help of B.Ed. college staff and then I could join the Postulency and later on novitiate.

After becoming a sister

After becoming a sister I was asked to take up work whenever needed & where ever needed. It was hard to continue my study privately and teach at the same time. Yet, as our Founder said “Be ready to do any work” and to go where ever you are sent. That is what I practiced the Lord asked me to do according to His will. He led me by the hand and guarded me everywhere as a mother protects her child.My sister was the foundation for me, even later I realized, that it is God who did everything with me as needed. Today I am grateful to God, my savior, to the Society and with all the sister in the Society.
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