Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph

Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph


Prayer is the very essence of our consecrated life where our relationship with God is continually sustained and deepened. This draws us into the love of Christ and His Paschal Mystery.

Our Spirituality is rooted in the integration of our prayer and work which is possible only when we develop great familiarity with God in personal prayer.

The words of our founder, “A sister of JMJ is interiorly possessed by God” are actualized in us through our personal prayer life. Hence, every sister spends at least an hour daily in personal prayer listening attentively to God speaking in her heart.

Prayer is the foundation of our whole way of life and the driving force behind our mission. Therefore each sister seeks God alone above all else. She combines contemplation, by which she unites with God in mind and heart, with apostolic zeal by which she strives to participate in the work of redemption and spread the Kingdom of God. Prayer and apostolate continually complement each other so that our prayer life is reflected in our apostolate, and our apostolate inspires us to pray. (Const. 27, 28)

The spiritual dynamism of a community is fostered by silence, personal prayer, community prayer, sacramental practice and faith-sharing. Sisters are attentive to create proper balance between work and leisure, recreation and silence, conversation and recollectedness.

The following spiritual practices help us to grow in our spiritual life –


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