Welcome To Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph

The Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph is a Catholic Religious Women’s Congregation. Fr. Mathias Wolff SJ the Founder enkindled the flame of liberation in 1822 when he founded the Society of Jesus, Mary Joseph at Amersfoort, in the Netherlands to educate the poor and the marginalized girls and to revive the faith of the clandestine Catholic families.
Mathias was born to Mathias Wolff and Anna Maria Zenner on 6th March 1779 in Diekirk, a village in a very small country…


Reflection from Founder - March 2025

In Honor of Wolff’s Birthday: Unveiling a Hidden Legacy—An Excerpt by a JMJ Sister
“From an anonymous JMJ sister in 1904, there is an unheard story of Fr. Wolff that offers a glimpse into his life and legacy. She expounds that his parents, recognizing the divine gift in their son, named him Mathias, meaning “gift of God.” With great care, they watched over this blessing, unaware of how profoundly it would shape the lives of many. Over time, this gift blossomed, as Wolff became a devoted pastor and the founder of a congregation, faithfully carrying out the works of God.”

Quote of the Day

Our Vision

Every Sister of JMJ seeks to live a Eucharistic centred life in total openness to the will of God. Thereby, she is constantly urged to liberate herself in the spirit of detachment to build the Kingdom of God through an “Ever Adaptable Apostolic Availability,” for the glory of God and the advancement of all people, with preferential option for the poor and the underprivileged. Inspired by faith in the Will of the Father and trust in His providence, we express our commitment to Christ, through an ‘Ever Adaptable Apostolic Availability’ for the service of the Kingdom through integral and Holistic liberation of humanity with preferential option for the poor and the underprivileged.

Our Mission

Stirred by the apostolic zeal of the Founder, every sister of JMJ is ‘always ready to win souls for God’ and ‘wishes to labor like a giant’ with an indomitable missionary spirit in communion with the Church to respond generously to the global mission, in line with the Charism of the Congregation ‘ever adaptable apostolic availability.’

Message from Superior General

Sr. Mary Karickakunnel
Welcome to the website of the Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph. It is with great joy and gratitude that I greet you on behalf of our Congregation. Inspired by the life of Jesus and the example of our founder with the charism of an “ever adaptable apostolic availability”, we serve with love and dedication. Through our ministries in education, healthcare, social services, and spiritual development, we strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve. In these times of rapid change and challenge, we believe in the power of unity and compassion to transform lives and bring about a more just and peaceful world.

Loving Tribute

Eternal Rest Grant unto our beloved Sisters
O Lord.
Let Perpetual Light Shine upon Them.
May Their Souls Rest in Peace!

Our Presence

Rome Generalate, Collaborations
India Four Provinces - Bangalore, Guntur, Hyderabad & Raipur
Ghana Africa Region
USA Zuni, New Mexico & Page, Arizona
Germany Collobrations, St. Anna Foundation
Austria Collobrations, St. Veit

Our Ministries

Education Apostolate

  • Primary & Secondary Education
  • Higher Education
  • Professional courses
  • Teacher Training Colleges
  • Vocational Courses / Job Oriented Skill training
  • Integrated Schools for differently able children

Healthcare Apostolate

  • Hospitals / Health Centers
  • HIV / AIDS Care and Support Centers
  • Geriatric and Palliative Care Centers
  • Community Health & Awareness Programmes
  • Schools and Colleges of Nursing
  • Post Graduate Courses in Medical Sciences

Social Apostolate

  • Women Empowerment Programmes
  • Socio-economic Welfare Programmes
  • Rehabilitation of HIV / AIDS affected
  • Street Children Homes / Orphanages
  • Education of children from backward/ schedule tribes/ schedule castes
  • Homes for differently able children
  • Day Care Centers for Aged and widows

Evangelization Apostolate

  • Youth Retreats / Conventions
  • Prayer conventions / Popular Mission Retreats and Counselling
  • Adaptation of villages for Faith Formation and preparation for Sacraments
  • Catechisms in the Parishes
  • Campus & Neighbourhood Ministry
  • Family Apostolate