Family History
The story of God’s extraordinary work in an ordinary human life is a mystery.In my case, the voice of the Lord was not heard in any dramatic way, but rather like Elijah, through gentle persistent breezes as I went to witness the Perpetual Profession of my own elder sister in the Congregation of Sacred Heart. As the ceremony of the profession went on, I realized an urge, to commit myself for the service of the Lord. I am the fourth of seven siblings and had a prayerful and joyful family life marked by simple life style of the village. My upbringing in a devoutly Catholic family prepared me to hear God’s call and respond to it.
Early Life
As I went to pursue my studies in the school run by Ursuline Sisters in Tongo Parish of Gumla diocese, the seed of my vocation was strengthened. There I got opportunity to attend daily mass and catechetical teaching in the school which was not possible otherwise in my remote village. In 1986, I was already a nurse working in MorningStar Hospital Raigarh run by sisters of the Congregation Jesus Mary Joseph.Here I witnessed how our sisters worked hard and prayed together never spearing themselves in caring for the sick and with a special attention to the poor.
Sr Metilda Kujur Raipur
Those days there were not much development taken place as of today and JMJ Morning Star Hospital stood as one of the best hospital for care. I expressed my deepest desire to a priest and he guided me to join JMJ. I entered in the Society of Jesus Mary Joseph in the year 1986. I made my First Profession in the year 1990. I made my Perpetual Profession in the year 1993. On my Silver Jubilee in the Year 2012, it was a day to count on all the blessings of the Lord in my life’s journey. This is nearly 20 years as JMJ sister that I came back to Raigarh hospital and working as a senior nurse.
I have experienced in my life both good and bad, ups and downs and many more. Of course all these were good for me to improve my potentials and draw near to my master Jesus. I am always inspired by him on the cross.
My God Experience
I have experienced GOD in my life through various ways
I see God is always with me, as a child I was sick and he healed me.
When I was crossing a river, I was drowned and he saved me.
As a novice I had back pain and I prayed everyday to infant Jesus and he appeared to me in a dream and he healed me.Whenever I was sick he was besides me as a doctor, as a helper and gave me good health to work in His vineyard. I am happy to serve the suffering humanity through my profession as a nurse.
The Image of God What I Have
The see the image of GOD in all living human beings. For He has createdevery human beings in His own image and likeness, to love Him, to know Him more and more and to grow in His knowledge of love. I realize only through love I can grow more dearly to him.
How Did I Handle the Straggles and Difficult Moments in Religious Life
Whenever I face struggles and difficulties, I go to chapel or room, sit quietly before the Lordand cry to Him. I find a consoling massage, (My child do not cry,before you I am, I will hold your hand to walk in my path and I will be with you). I even share pain and sorrow with my friends that lighten my heart.
The Inspirational Thought
Never to lose faith in GOD, trust him always and to have continues persistent trust in the Lord alone.
I give thanks to you o Lord with my whole heart for the wonderful life in the lovely garden of JMJ Family. Like the little star in heaven, shining high above in the sky is the love of JMJ family.
“Look for the positive
Make a habit of doing it now
Create a continues dedication for tasks
Learn to like the things that need to be done
Always look ahead for success With courage to know yourself And love to complete your life.“