Chapter Theme
Encountering Together an Emerging Future, as Vessels of Hope.
As vessels of hope we want to be faithful to these directions in the Spirit of Beatitudes (Mt.5, 3-12)
- Foster a deep spirituality, being conscious of our new identity as Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph that energizes prayer, community life, ministries and strives for the wholeness of creation.
- Respond to the urgency to nurture new life through holistic and relevant formation that prepares, renews and sustains us for the challenges of today’s realities.
- Respect and appreciate the diversity and richness of cultures and at the same time recognize the need to take concrete steps to build an atmosphere of love, joy and mutual trust in order to strengthen the community life and mission.
- Work zealously with women and children especially those who are trafficked, forced to migrate and oppressed by abject poverty. In spirit of solidarity we support projects for economic justice and unite to confront unjust systems. We also use all available resources effectively to create new pathways for mission.
- Create and strengthen co-responsibility for our mission with lay partners and encourage collaboration and networking with other congregations (especially SJMJ) and agencies at all levels to respond to the anguish of the world by taking courageous steps to go to the frontiers where God is calling us.
- Continue to live and work towards shepherd/servant/friendship model of leadership at all levels like that of Jesus. (Refer Jn Chs. 10,13&15)