Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph

Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph


  • Initially I thank my God for all His mighty blessings and for choosing me as His own.
  • According to PM.32 my greatest desire is to seek God’s kingdom. So, in my religious life. Iadjusted myself to the people, language & various communities. As pious maxim 67 says I used to confide all that concerns me to God. He was helping and taking care of me from all that disturbs me.
  • I used to be silent when things go wrong and never share anything to any fellow sisters but, only rely upon God’s loving care and mercy. I can boldly say that God alone made my path straight. We should never desire for the name and fame but remain empty handed before our creator desiring his own grace to be filled in us. This is my own experience that the Lord filled me lot of love whenever I go nearer to him.
Sr. Rosina Antony, Guntur
  • By nature I am very lovable and all know that I will love to the maximum extent. In my life ‘Litany of humility’ from the book Pietà helped me to sustain in that great love of God whenever I pray that I make myself empty before my God and it helped me to love everybody. When people avoided me I got strength to pray for them with this strength I was unable to avoid people. My love of God depends upon the love I show to my people and my belongingness for each and every one of my community sisters. So that I made my community a place of communion not a place of work.
  • By the love I gained from the father I fall in love with the people around me. One of my experiences with the Eucharistic Lord is this: one day when I sat in front of the Lord I felt like a ray of brilliant light coming straightly towards my heart and touching me. I felt like I filled with the spirit of the Lord and a kind of confidence that God is for me. This made me to increase my devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. As in the book of Ezek: 37 the Lord used me by filling his life with in me, with this power I even used to council the children. People come to me to share their problems. I used to console them and council them. So the Lord brought many people to me through him I was connected to so many people and used me as his instrument.
  • When I was a child, one of the sisters told meto say…….

Jesus Mary Joseph I love you



As every day I pray these ejaculatory prayers, they strengthen me…

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